Artificial Intelligence

AI Articles

A technology journalist for 20+ years, Joe Dysart has been published in 150+ publications, including The New York Times and The Financial Times of London.

For more than 20 years, Joe has specialized in illuminating how advances in technology impact specific industries.

In addition to consumer publications, Joe’s insights have been featured in a wide variety of academic, professional and business publications, including the American Bar Association Journal, Architectural Review and Genetic Engineering.

Currently, Google features 2,200+ links and citations to Joe’s articles.

Here’s a representative sampling of Joe’s articles focused on artificial intelligence:

*GPT-3 and AI Writing: Stunning, if Imperfect
Robot Writers AI
by Joe Dysart

*Company Reports That Write Themselves
Transport Topics
by Joe Dysart

*The AI Wars Have Arrived
Transport Topics
by Joe Dysart

*In Driver Recruiting, AI Gets Real
Transport Topics
by Joe Dysart

*AI Tutoring: Genius on My Shoulder
Communications of the ACM
by Joe Dysart

*Artificial Intelligence Generated Writing:
Top Ten Trends for 2020

Robot Writers AI
by Joe Dysart

*Power to the People
Communications of the ACM
by Joe Dysart

*New AI Tools Emerge for Social Media Marketing
Transport Topics
by Joe Dysart

*The Hunt for Explainable AI
Communications of the ACM
by Joe Dysart

(Note: ACM is an international learned society and the world’s largest — nearly 100,000 members — in the realm of scientific and educational computing .)